Second times a charm!
"Do I frequently change my mind? Absolutely!
Inspired by a fusion of Sargent's style with a touch of Javid's influence, I've curated the palette list below. It's a blend of Winsor & Newton and Holbein HWC watercolor paints. I find equal pleasure in using both brands; they possess a similar feel and visual appeal in my opinion. I'm optimistic that these colors might be the missing element I've been seeking. A mix of warm and cool variations for each primary, earthy tones, violets, three shades of green, and a selection of unique hues. A grand total of twenty exquisite colors should work wonders. I'd love to hear your thoughts! By the way, the "JSS" in the palette stands for John Singer Sargent."

"Here's a fresh snapshot of my painting desk. This setup is preliminary and subject to change before I embark on my first project. I believe I have everything arranged in its rightful place. I'm intending to replace the current gray board with a larger one, and I'm also in the process of crafting a new paint brush holder capable of holding fifteen to twenty brushes."