Blues, Greens, Yellows and a Touch of Black
This morning’s quick work before heading out to play Pickleball was focused on the mid-ground right of the painting. He used bold, sweeping strokes of color, echoing the movement of the clouds. It seems he aimed to convey a sense of distance, much like the far-off clouds. Did you notice the subtle strokes of black? While Monet and Van Gogh occasionally used black, Monet eventually moved away from it. Early in his career, Monet embraced black, but he abandoned it entirely during his Impressionist years. This painting dates back to just before Monet took that stance. Van Gogh and Monet even painted together for a brief time.
It was a blast laying down the colors this morning!
This afternoon, I’ll be fine-tuning the tones on my new guitar modeler to match my older solid-state amplifier. I’ll connect the old amp to my Mac laptop to better understand how Boss designed the two presets I use the most—my signature lead and rhythm sounds.
See? Art and music go together like peanut butter and jelly!